OH Mama!

Friday, June 24, 2005

My Poor Baby :-(

My little man isn't feeling well. :-( I'm hoping he's just teething, but if that's not it, then he's coming down with some sort of bug. Last night was just miserable. If we weren't holding him, he was crying. Crying HARD. He would NOT sleep. He was sooooo tired though, I could just tell. Then the diarrhea started. Fun, fun, fun. We tried teething tablets and Orajel, walking and singing, nursing and rocking, bouncy seat and crib. Plus lots of diapers and Balmex. Snuggling on the bed with mommy and daddy was the only thing that was close to working, and that was just to keep him from crying so hard, it wasn't helping him go to sleep. At one point we realized that he was starting to feel warm, so I went to the diaper bag for the Tylenol. I've only used it a few times, and it was in a Ziploc baggy, so I know it didn't leak, but it seems that it congealed or evaporated or something. We couldn't get anything out of the bottle. It hadn't even reached it's expiration date. Ugh. It was after 11 PM. The Walgreens near us isn't open 24 hrs. Grr. Now what?? So, after debating for a bit, and more crying, I took his temp. It was a low grade fever, about 100°F, but I knew he was uncomfortable. Scott volunteered to run to the grocery, but I wasn't sure it would be open. Luckily, their hours were posted on their website, so off he ran. By the time he returned with the medicine, the poor thing was drifting off to sleep. We got a dose in him quickly, and laid him in his crib. It was 11:45. We repeated the fun at both 1:15AM and 4:30AM. Wahoo! The alarm went off at 5:30. Ick. I slept in for an hour and went into work about 45 min late so I could let the poor baby get some extra sleep before I had to get him up and ready. He seemed a bit happier this morning.

I am soooooo sleepy!


Thursday, June 23, 2005

Penny for your thoughts . . .

I have been so insanely busy this week that I haven't even had time to collect my thoughts, much less write them down in any sort of coherent fashion. So, of course, now I'm writing, when I should be doing 800,000 other things. Many more productive things. But who cares. This is what I want to do right now, so I'm doing it. Anyway . . .

Progress is being made on our house. We check on it almost daily, or at least every other day. They dug the foundation, poured the concrete walls (there will be three windows in our basement :-)), waterproofed the foundation, and probably did lots of other things, but to my untrained, never built a house before eye, those are the things that jumped out at me. There is even a sold sign out front now with our future house's address on it. Yay!

The little man is doing awesome. He rolls all over now, but only in one direction still. Once he hits the couch, he keeps trying to push it away so he can keep rolling. Hasn't figured out yet that he could just roll in the other direction and go lots more places! He isn't quite pulling up yet, but he did manage to reach his mobile while laying in his crib, and was pulling on it pretty hard, so we will be dropping the crib mattress this weekend. Ugh. I will probably have to start lowering the side to lay him down now, rather than just reaching over. It's just so convenient the way it is, but I don't want to take the chance of him getting hurt.

My sister and her fiance closed on their new condo this past week. It's very cute. I think our bridesmaids dresses were finally ordered this week as well. Guess I should probably check on that. January sounds so far away, but I'm sure it will come up fast. I would so love to lose some more of this weight before then!

Guess that's all I've got for now. I'll get back to ya when I can think coherently again. :-)

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Mommyhood & Me

I *LOVE* being a mom. Being a mommy is now officially my favorite thing in the whole wide world. It's funny, I always knew I wanted to be a mom, but the enormity of the whole thing is incredible. I love my baby boy more than life itself. More than I ever knew was possible. I could stare at him for an eternity. Sleeping, eating, playing, smiling, laughing, even crying. It doesn't matter what he is doing, I could just watch him forever. Sometimes I feel like a selfish child with a new toy. I want to hold him forever and not share! I have this overwhelming urge to protect him from the world. I love smothering him in hugs and kisses. I even love kissing his precious little tootsies! (and I am SO not a "feet" person . . . ick) Everything about my little man is amazing to me. He is growing and learning every day, every hour, every minute, every second, and I am so honored to be a part of it.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Public Service Announcement

I am the mommy. Please let me raise my child as I (and my husband) see fit. If you already have children, you have raised/are raising your child(ren) the way you see fit. It worked/works for you, and I am fine with that. If you do not yet have children, trust me, your ideas on child-rearing will probably be modified if/when you actually experience parenthood. Until then, you don't know what it's like. Please respect my right to take care of my baby as I would like to. Thank you.

. . . sorry . . . mini rant off now . . .

Monday, June 13, 2005

Can ya'll dig it?

Well, today is finally the day. They should be breaking ground for our new house as I sit here typing this, and me, being the dork that I am, can't stop obsessing about it. Or, using, commas. Whatever. It is so gray and overcast outside, I just keep hoping the rain holds off so they can get this process moving. I haven't gotten one useful thing accomplished here at work today. All I can think about is the house, and how much I would rather be spending time with Sean.

We took him to another Reds game yesterday. He brought home another Reds win (10-6 over the Orioles!). He is such a good luck charm for them. He loves to go to the games, and is so good while we're there. Everyone always asks me how old he is, then they comment on how well-behaved he is to sit at a game like that. Well, between me and his daddy, you have to figure it's in his blood!

He is becoming much more proficient at rolling, though he doesn't seem to have figured out how to use it as a way to get places. That's okay though, he's so much easier to keep tabs on this way. ;-) He also got his first bump on his head. :-( As he is trying to learn to become more mobile, he is also becoming a danger to himself. He was sitting on the floor last Thursday night, playing with his toys, when he must have decided that he needed something slightly out of his reach. He toppled over, face first on a toy, and now has a little bruise on the left side of his forehead. He barely even cried. My rough and tumble little man . . . don't grow up too fast baby!

Friday, June 10, 2005

Figured I'd try my hand at this . . .

Well, I definitely don't update my website frequently enough, so I figured I'd try my hand at blogging. I don't know if I'll manage to keep up with it any better, but we'll see.

We've had so much going on these past few months with the move, adjusting to life in a very small apartment (albeit temporarily), beginning a new job, trying to sell the house from 300 miles away, trying to get everything in order to build a new house, and trying to make room in there to spend time as a family (the most important part!). Sean is growing and changing so much every day!

Speaking of Sean, he is now 7 and 1/2 months old. Time is flying by so quickly! He's growing up so fast! My little man is definitely the light of my life. He is so much fun! He loves to sit up, play with his toys, watch television, go to baseball games (he's a big Cincinnati Reds fan ;-) ), hang out with mommy and daddy, and "talk". He says dadadadadadadada, but he doesn't seem to connect it with his daddy yet. He just smiles when I try to get him to say "mama". He is finally rolling over some too. Mainly just tummy to back and only on his right side, but he's getting better at it every day. He's such a content, happy baby, and he doesn't have the need to always be on the go. I think I like it this way. :-)

They are going to break ground for our new house on Monday. I am so excited to finally get this process underway. Seems like it's taken forever to get to this point. I just want to be in the house, but they're estimating 140 days to build. I really wanted to be in the house in time for Sean's 1st birthday, but 140 days will put us at approximately Halloween, just after his birthday. We'll see. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they get ahead of schedule, but not holding my breath!

Well, I guess this will be enough for my first entry. I'll be back later!