OH Mama!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Life just gets away from you sometimes . . .

Why do I feel like this happens to me more than it should? Just once, I would like to feel like I have enough time to accomplish everything that needs to be done. Well, everything that I think needs to be done. I guess maybe I just need to learn to adjust my perception of what needs to be done. If only the powers that be at the fantastic day job would realize that we're real live human beings with real live families and real live priorities. Imagine that.

So, now that we've established that work is kicking my butt . . . life otherwise is good. Busy, as anyone with a two year old could tell you, but overall pretty good. Vacation is looming closer. The holidays are approaching. I'm an aunt! My little man is one of the most well-behaved two-year olds I've ever been around. Husband, toddler, marriage, house . . . check, check, check, check, all good!

Now, if only I could figure out a way to fit 25 hours into the day, and not take any family time away with work, but still make money, I'd be all set! ;-)



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