OH Mama!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Keeping my head above water . . . sort of

Wow, I didnt' realize it had been so long! Life is moving right along, and I'm just trying to go with the flow.
  • Work is incredibly busy, and I'm still feeling more like a newbie than I was expecting.
  • Sean is wonderful and adorable and growing like a weed, but he's going through a bit of a phase and it's more than a little exhausting. He keeps refusing bottles intermittently, but eats well, has diarrhea quite often, but doesn't have a fever or act sick, he's been waking during the night more than he used to, but not every night, and he cries more than he used to. I think the crying is rooted in his frustration at wanting to be more mobile, but he hasn't quite gotten the hang of it yet. He can pull himself up onto his knees from a sitting position, and get from a sitting position onto his hands and knees, but then he lays down and gets angry, because he can't get back up to a sitting position. He seems really close to crawling. I know once he does, I will have to chase him all over, but I hope he figures it out soon. I hate seeing him so frustrated. He fell sound asleep laying in bed with daddy this morning while I was taking a shower and getting ready for work. It was so sweet. I wanted to take a picture, but I didn't want to disturb them with the flash.
  • As of Tuesday, the first floor of our house was framed, so it's actually starting to look like a real house! Yay!
  • Our next three weekends are booked solid. We'll be lucky to have time to breathe, much less relax!
  • The little man's baptism is finally scheduled, so now, in all of my "free-time", I have to get invitations ready and mailed, find a christening outfit, and plan a party. Good times!

Well, that about sums it up for now. I'm goin' home to give my baby kisses!!

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