OH Mama!

Friday, June 24, 2005

My Poor Baby :-(

My little man isn't feeling well. :-( I'm hoping he's just teething, but if that's not it, then he's coming down with some sort of bug. Last night was just miserable. If we weren't holding him, he was crying. Crying HARD. He would NOT sleep. He was sooooo tired though, I could just tell. Then the diarrhea started. Fun, fun, fun. We tried teething tablets and Orajel, walking and singing, nursing and rocking, bouncy seat and crib. Plus lots of diapers and Balmex. Snuggling on the bed with mommy and daddy was the only thing that was close to working, and that was just to keep him from crying so hard, it wasn't helping him go to sleep. At one point we realized that he was starting to feel warm, so I went to the diaper bag for the Tylenol. I've only used it a few times, and it was in a Ziploc baggy, so I know it didn't leak, but it seems that it congealed or evaporated or something. We couldn't get anything out of the bottle. It hadn't even reached it's expiration date. Ugh. It was after 11 PM. The Walgreens near us isn't open 24 hrs. Grr. Now what?? So, after debating for a bit, and more crying, I took his temp. It was a low grade fever, about 100°F, but I knew he was uncomfortable. Scott volunteered to run to the grocery, but I wasn't sure it would be open. Luckily, their hours were posted on their website, so off he ran. By the time he returned with the medicine, the poor thing was drifting off to sleep. We got a dose in him quickly, and laid him in his crib. It was 11:45. We repeated the fun at both 1:15AM and 4:30AM. Wahoo! The alarm went off at 5:30. Ick. I slept in for an hour and went into work about 45 min late so I could let the poor baby get some extra sleep before I had to get him up and ready. He seemed a bit happier this morning.

I am soooooo sleepy!



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